RSA New Contemporaries represents the Royal Scottish Academy's commitment to supporting and promoting emerging artists and architects in Scotland.
Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound
Entry £8/£5 concession (Free for RSA Friends)
Free on Mondays
Open Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm
Now in its fourteenth year, this exhibition offers a unique opportunity to see some of the most promising talent in Scotland in one single, large-scale exhibition in the heart of Edinburgh. Showcasing 57 graduates selected from the 2021 degree presentations, the exhibition is a brilliant overview of the current outlook of emerging Scottish art and architecture.
This year selection was made by Exhibition Convenor Annie Cattrell RSA, with assistance from her fellow Academicians and representatives from the five main colleges of art. The five Scottish schools of architecture are each represented by graduates selected by Architecture Convenor Rab Bennetts RSA.
We are delighted to be supported once again by our Exhibition Patrons Walter Scott & Partners Ltd, to have The Skinny as our Media Partner and to have Glenfiddich as drinks sponsor and a major award giver.
Our Exhibition Patron - Walter Scott & Partners Ltd
Walter Scott was established in 1983 to offer global equity portfolio management to institutional investors around the world. The firm is primarily based in Edinburgh with offices in Charlotte Square and on North Charlotte Street. Those offices are also home to the Walter Scott Art Collection, established in 2009. That collection has been built with a focus on emerging talent in Scotland. As an extension of that focus, the firm has been a proud supporter of the RSA New Contemporaries Exhibition since 2013.
Our Media Partner - The Skinny
Scotland's free monthly magazine covering all things cultural with a grassroots focus, The Skinny has offered an independent take on cultural life in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee since 2005. The Skinny has proudly partnered RSA New Contemporaries every year since the exhibition's inception, with extensive coverage in print and online. Pick up a copy of The Skinny at venues across Scotland, or visit theskinny.co.uk.
Banner image: Julia Johnstone, The Mouse (short film), 2021, still from video. Photo credit: Eirini Kalogera and Lucas Orozco.
#RSANC #RSANewContemporaries
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