Elected ARSA: 13 November 1839 

Elected RSA: 10 February 1846 

First occurred the death, on March 29th, of James Eckford Lauder, who for a considerable period was a prominent and justly esteemed memberofthe


Possessing an artistic faculty of no common order, he devoted himself chiefly to scriptural and historical subjects; and, by the dramatic composition and vigorous colouring which characterized their treatment, his works for a series of years held an important place on the walls of the Annual Exhibition, and although latterly, owing to impaired health, he had come to occupy a less prominent position before the public, it is impossible to forget that with him died an excellent artist,—one who for a length of time worthily contributed to sustain the character of the Scottish School of Painting.


RSA Obituary, transcribed from the 1869 RSA Annual Report