Elected ARSA: 15 December 1841

Elected RSA: 10 February 1868

Born in London in 1816, Perigal was brought to Edinburgh in very early life. Following the example of his father — who was an artist and a pupil of Fuseli, he turned his talents to landscape painting, though for many years he was also a very successful teacher.


Very soon, his art enthusiasm led him to devote himself wholly to the practice of his profession. His subjects were generally taken from mountain and lock scenery in Scotland, though latterly his frequent visits to Italy and Switzerland led him to extend the range of his art practice.


Perigal was elected an Associate in 1841, and attained the rank of Academician in 1868. To the Annual Exhibitions he was a regular and liberal contributor, generally having his full quota of work, and the duties he had officially to perform never interfered with his devotion to his art.


Of a kindly, genial disposition, he was personally esteemed by all his professional brethren; and his sudden removal was deplored by the Academic body of which he was a consistent and steady support.


Arthur Perigal, esteemed Treasurer and one of the oldest Members of the Academy, passed away suddenly on June 5th, 1884.


RSA Obituary by WM. Fettes Douglas, President. Transcribed from the 1884 RSA Annual Report