RSA New Contemporaries 2024 Announced

Every year a panel of our Academicians visit degree shows across Scotland to select the best and boldest works to feature in our acclaimed New Contemporaries show. After a tough few weeks of judging, we're delighted to announce the RSA New Contemporaries of 2024.


Edinburgh College of Art


Natasha Bucheit


Selected artists
Billy Brown | Natasha Bucheit | Tegan Chaffer | Catriona Clark | Danele Evans | Remi Jabłecki | Berti McColl | Erical McCracken | Tracey Exton McShane | Iona Peterson | Charlene Scott | Ammna Sheikh


Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design

Mathieu Cardosi, Tuscan Valley, 2023. Oil on board.


Selected artists
Anna Brodie | Samantha Burns | Mathieu Cardosi | Tom Fairlamb | Ben Johnston | Ruari Knott | Nina Kouklaki | Kirstin MacKinnon | Kristopher Malone | Jade Smith


Gray's School of Art

Kirsty Bell, Dressed


Selected artists
Kirsty Bell | Beth Edgar | Lucy Gibb | Katie Hillard | Summer Mapplebeck | Rho McGuire | Fionnlagh Skinner | Theda Wahl


Glasgow School of Art

Frankie Ashworth


Selected artists
Frankie Ashworth | Louis Baillie | Freddie Bubble | Santiago Del Pozo | Cyrus Adrian Doherty | Sadie Mae Downing | Poppy Fraser | Jack Iredale | Corrie Jennison | Lizzie Munro | Khadija Moustafa | Dora Padfield | Holly Tafe | Samuel Temple | Jemimah Vaughan | Martha Williams


University of Highlands and Islands

Moira Downie


Selected artists
Moira Downie | Kirsty Duguid



Dan Anderson & Toby Eccleston


Duncan of Jordanstone

Yavor Nedelchev


Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Dan Anderson & Toby Eccleston


Glasgow School of Art

Daumantas Patamsis


Robert Gordon University

Marie Airth


Strathcylde University

Catherine Campbell


Our 2024 New Contemporaries exhibition will feature a showcase of works from 2022 and 2023 graduates.


View 2022 graduates

13 July 2023
of 37