Elected RSA: 10 July 1849


By the untimely death of Mr. David Scott, the country has to deplore the loss of a man of an original and elevated genius and devoted to professional aims, the labours of whose whole life may be said to have been spent in the cause of his Art, and of this Institution, of which he was an early member, as he continued ever among its most earnest and indefatigable labourers.


While supporting the Exhibitions with his pencil, he was also an intelligent advocate of its claims,, when it was desirable to press these on public attention. The memory of the purity and dignity of his private life, so honourable to his Art, must be long cherished by the Academy, as well as by many who admired his genius. The Academy, in terms of a resolution adopted at a Special General Meeting on the 8th March, attended as a body, the funeral of their respected friend to his resting-place in the Dean Cemetery.


RSA Obituary, transcribed from the 1849 RSA Annual Report