Eva Cortés was born in Edinburgh and graduated from Edinburgh College of Art.


My work is inspired by rhythm, especially the rhythms we experience on a daily basis in our domestic setting. Through hyper-focusing on my immediate surroundings and researching play theories I have taken ideas of playfulness, applied them to the mundane, and used the domestic space as my playground.


My passion for Flamenco became stronger during the pandemic as it brought me closer to my second home in Southern Spain and I yearned to be with my family there. I’ve been obsessing and clapping different Flamenco rhythmic patterns (compàs) and fused them with the rhythms found in everyday life. The patterns I was looking at mirrored the repetition we found ourselves in during lockdown and I thought this was a good way to emphasise this. I’ve tried to elevate everyday overlooked themes by creating something humorous or light hearted and invite the viewer to see them in a different setting.